Interhome Group - один из ведущих европейских специалистов по домам для отдыха

Мы начали сдавать в аренду частные дома для отдыха в Швейцарии в 1965 году и с тех пор занимаем лидирующие позиции в этой сфере. Гости, домовладельцы и партнеры по продажам пользуются уникальным сочетанием нашей мощной дистрибьюторской сети и наших локальных офисов по всей Европе, что обеспечивает беспрецедентный уровень обслуживания и лидирующие в отрасли показатели.


Наши Бренды

Компания Interchalet, базирующаяся во Фрайбурге-им-Брайсгау, является лидером рынка в Германии. Высококачественный портфель предложений компании, от загородных домов в Италии до шале в Австрийских Альпах и коттеджей в Скандинавии, заслужил безупречную репутацию еще в 1974 году.
Interhome - швейцарский специалист по домам для отдыха. Имея 15 национальных офисов по всей Европе и торговые представительства в таких странах, как США, Индия и Австралия,  компания имеет по истине мировой охват. Компания со штаб-квартирой недалеко от Цюриха отличается непревзойденным обслуживанием на курортах.


Jörg Herrmann

Co-CEO Interhome Group
In 1991, Jörg Herrmann completed his apprenticeship as a travel and transport agent at the travel agency Reiseshop Töller in Cologne. He then obtained his diploma as a state-certified business economist specializing in tourism and worked as office manager and assistant to the management at Schmetterling Reisen in Bonn. In 1994 he returned back to Reiseshop Töller as a manager, in 1998 he additionally took over the management of Overather Reisen, and one year later also of Schmetterling Reisen. From 2000 to 2006, Jörg Herrmann was a member of the management of Schmetterling Reisen. In 2006 he took over management of the German Interhome GmbH and was also active as Regional Manager in various countries. Further positions at Interhome Group were Head of Purchasing, Head of Commercial Sales, COO and CPO before taking over the overall responsibility for Interhome Group as CEO in 2019. Starting in April 2023, Jörg Herrmann is Co-CEO of Interhome Group and is responsible for the areas of procurement and sustainability. He has been a member of the Executive Board of the Hotelplan Group since 2019.
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Sylvia Epaillard

Co-CEO Interhome Group
Sylvia Epaillard studied languages, communication sciences and computer science at the Dresden Institute of Technology and also holds a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD. She began her professional career in Paris in 2004 as an account manager. She then moved to Dublin to work for Google in advertising and sales for the next four years. Sylvia Epaillard then took on a management role in sales at the digital games provider Miniclip in Switzerland before moving to TX Group in Zurich: as COO Advertising Market and later Managing Director of Digital Ad Services, she maintained and further developed the digital advertising channels at the media group from 2020. Subsequently, Sylvia Epaillard worked for the Irish start-up Companjon of the Swiss insurer Mobiliar as Chief Distribution Officer. Since April 2023, Sylvia Epaillard is Co-CEO of Interhome Group and a member of the Hotelplan Group Executive Board. At Interhome Group, she is responsible for Marketing & Sales and Digitalisation.
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Thomas Buschta

Thomas Buschta completed his studies in business at the Innsbruck University in 1998. He already worked on a project at Interhome as part of his diploma thesis during his studies. In the framework of the introduction of SAP R/3 at Interhome, he started as a freelancer in 1999 and became project manager for the group-wide SAP Business Warehouse of the Hotelplan Group in 2001. Further positions at Interhome Group were Head of Group Controlling, Project Manager of the reservation system developed in-house, and Head of Yield Management Group before Thomas Buschta was appointed CFO of Interhome Group in 2022.
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Roger Müller

Roger Müller completed his apprenticeship at Danzas Reisen in 1988, after which he changed to Interhome, where he held a number of roles. He began as a Junior Marketing Assistant. Eight years later, he was the Production Manager, before becoming Head of Purchasing & Operations and being appointed a member of the management of Interhome AG in 1998, which he has remained a part of to this day. In 2014, Roger Müller took over responsibility for all procurement as Chief Procurement Officer (CPO). Since then, he has also be responsible for the Swiss market as CEO Switzerland. Following the strategic division of purchasing and operations in 2019, Roger Müller was appointed Chief Content Officer (CCO) with responsibility for operations. In 2022, these areas were merged anew, as a result of which he became the CPO of the Interhome Group once again.
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Michael Figlestahler

In 2003, Michael Figlestahler completed his studies in Tourism and Business Administration at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Ravensburg and began his professional career at Interchalet where he held various positions. He worked as Sales Manager & E-Commerce Specialist, Head of E-Commerce and Head of Marketing & Sales Interchalet. From September 2018 to July 2023, he was responsible for Marketing, Sales & Customer Service at the Interhome Group. Since August 2023, Michael Figlestahler holds the position of Chief Revenue & Innovation Officer at Interhome Group, a role in which he drives forward the strategically important direct business and the associated need for innovation. Michael Figlestahler has been a member of the Management Board since 2018 and also holds the position of Managing Director of HHD GmbH (an Interhome Group company) in Germany since 2019.
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в 15 странах

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Местных офисов обслуживания и партнерских агентств Персональные курортные услуги для гостей и управление собственностью для владельцев

Наши Преимущества

Interhome Group высоко ценит своих клиентов, домовладельцев и партнеров по продажам

Более 55 лет опыта делают нас специалистами дома отдыха
Превосходный уровень заполняемости благодаря нашим брендам и мировой известности
Присутствие на месте в более чем 200 местах отдыха и круглосуточная телефонная помощь
Финансовая поддержка ремонта сдаваемого объекта

Для Владельцев Жилья


Воспользуйтесь выгодой от нашего более чем 55-летнего опыта сдачи в аренду

От простого показа собственности в нашем портфолио через наши бренды до полного управления недвижимостю, с Interhome Group вы можете сдавать свой дом или апартаменты безопасно, без проблем и с наилучшим доходом от аренды. Обратитесь к ближайшему представителю для бесплатной оценки имущества.

Для Партнёров


Партнерская программа Interhome Group предоставляет партнерам по продажам доступ к нашему уникальному портфолио из около 40 000 домов для отдыха

Благодаря множеству партнерских моделей, передовым технологиям продаж и специализированному управлению учетными записями мы являемся лидирующим партнером для любого бизнеса, желающего предложить дома отдыха своим клиентам.